| Kevin Pickell |  |
I started computer programming back in 1981. My first computer was a Commodore Pet. In 1985 I started working as a video game programmer for a small video game developer called Distinctive Software Inc. In 1990 DSI was bought by Electronic Arts and became Electronic Arts Canada. Over my years there I worked on video games for many different computer systems and video game machines. In 1997 I started my own business selling diecast cars on my website. I retired from Electronic Arts in the fall of 2002. Now we are running the mail-order business full time. |
 | My Family |  |
 | My Open-Source and Online Projects |  |
A searchable database of Porsche Factory posters, most with images suitable for printing is here: Porsche Factory Posters.
This is an online Fractal viewer that I wrote in Javascript, it uses the HTML5 <canvas> tag so it does require a HTML5 compliant browser. It currently display the Mandelbrot, Multibrot, Julia Set and a few others. You can zoom in and out of the set and it also has a palette editor.
This is an online Defender game that I wrote in Javascript, it uses the HTML5 <canvas> tag so it does require a HTML5 compliant browser.
This is an online Mosaic Image converter that I wrote in Javascript, it uses the HTML5 <canvas> tag as well as the new FileAPI. As of today (Mar 22, 2010) FireFox is the only browser that it works with.
This is an online World Map Quiz that I wrote in Javascript, it uses the HTML5 <canvas> tag so it does require a HTML5 compliant browser (Audio doesn't work in Chrome). It has 9 Regions of the world. You just drag the country names to the locations on the map.
This is an online Visited World Map that I wrote in Javascript, it uses the HTML5 <canvas> tag so it does require a HTML5 compliant browser. It a map of the world, you can select places you have visited by clicking on them in the map or on the country name list. In addition to countries it also has the provinces of Canada and states of the USA. It will save your visited countries using a cookie so you can come back later and update them.
This is an online Motivational poster generator that I wrote in Javascript, it uses the HTML5 <canvas> tag as well as the FILE API so it does require a HTML5 compliant browser. As of today (Apr 5, 2010) FireFox is the only browser that it works with. Here is a sample poster I made.
I've written a program for Geocaching called GPSTurbo. You can load GPX files and view your caches in a spreadsheet like manner. It also displays multiple map formats and will display the cache locations on the map.
kGUI is a cross platform c++ GUI framework for programming applications. It works on Windows, Linux and Macintosh. My GPSturbo application listed above uses this framework.
Wpanel is a cgi-bin program for Linux that allows file uploading, opening a shell and other functions for monitoring and connecting with a Linux machine. Other programs exist that do similar functionality but I wrote this one because it is much simpler to install as it is a single executible that is just copied into your webservers cig-bin folder. I use it myself for my Sheevaplug.
CleanJPG is a command line utility for removing meta-data from Jpeg files.
I've written a version of Defender for the STM-32.
Also for the STM-32 is my version of Solitaire.
My latest project is an emulator for 6502 based systems, it currently supports Commodore PET, C64, Vic-20 and Apple ][, Atari 2600 and Atari 800 are in progress. You can run it online in your browser if you are using Chrome. It is a native-client c++ application so it does require you to turn on native-client mode before you can run it.
 | Open Source Projects That I've used |  |
I've been a c and c++ programmer for many years now. Below is a list of open source projects that I have used and would recommend.
MySQL - MySQL is the world's most popular open source database. FreeType - FreeType, A Free, High-Quality, and Portable Font Engine. jpeg - Independent JPEG Group is an informal group that writes and distributes a widely used free library for JPEG image compression. libpng - libpng, the free reference library for reading and writing PNGs. zlib - zlib, A Massively Spiffy Yet Delicately Unobtrusive Compression Library. upx - upx, the Ultimate Packer for eXecutables. MinGW - MinGW: A collection of freely available and freely distributable Windows specific header files and import libraries combined with GNU toolsets that allow one to produce native Windows programs that do not rely on any 3rd-party C runtime DLLs.. FFmpeg - FFmpeg is a complete solution to record, convert and stream audio and video.. LibSDL - Simple DirectMedia Layer is a cross-platform multimedia library.
 | My 2002 Porsche 911 Turbo |  |
 | Her 2002 Merdedes ML 500 |  |
 | My previous car, a 1989 Porsche 911 Cabriolet |  |
 | Games I have worked on |  |