
Sunday, February 23, 2025

[Message Board[
[Classified Board[


[Speeding up the website[
Sometimes all of the car pictures can be really slow to load and if this is your case then when you search the list I suggest that before you click the Start Search button you change the default option for output with from pictures to picture links. Then when you search the list, the output won't display the pictures for each car and instead there will be a link, and clicking on that link will display that particular cars picture. This should speed things up a lot and you can still have the ability to see pictures of cars that you desire.

[Shopping Cart Problems[
If you are having problems with the shopping cart, then is it probably because you don't have cookies turned on.

The shopping cart needs some way to identify you and it does this by assigning you a shopping cart number using a cookie.
If you have cookies tunred off then it instead assigns you a session number to keep track of your shopping cart items. The one inconvience about assigning a session number instead of a cookie is that you cannot press the back button after that point as if you do it will lose the session number. ( If you look at the URL line in your browser you will see the session=xxx at the end of each URL from that point on).

[Logging In[
If you are a previous customer who has made a purchase in the last year then you will be able to login. Once logged in, you can customize your preferences for searching the site, using the message board and keeping track of items in the car database. You can also view your current pre-order list and also view and edit the items you would like to be notified about when they arrive. Finally, when placing an order, you can do a quick checkout if your shipping address is the same as your last order.

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©1997-2025 Kevin's Hobbies Ltd., Website Designed and Programmed by Kevin Pickell